Wednesday, February 8, 2012

My Plea: Parents Take Your Children To Music Recitals

 I'm 22-years old and I recently attended to my first music recital! 

It was a classical guitar recital.  And despite the 12-year old boy that sat cattywampus from me at the guitar recital, crinkly his paper program; I had an incredible first music recital!

I'm currently enrolled into a classical guitar class here at the University of Kentucky.  For reference, don't ask me how learning the classical guitar is going.  Any who, we are required to attend a minimum of three guitar recitals and write a review about each recital we attend.

This past Saturday night I attended the guitar recital of Zoran Dukic.  He's originally from Croatia.  My evaluation of his performance is that he was one with his guitar.  Better yet, he owned his guitar that night!  

Surprisingly, I had the most amazing time at my first music recital, despite the 12-year old, boy crinkling his program paper.  It was much easier to absorb the music with it being right there, in my face.  I was fascinated by Dukic's fingering on the strings, his technique and his accuracy.  I was beyond impressed.

Like I said, I loved the performance and this was my first time attending a music recital and I'm 22.  The thought of me being at my first music recital didn't hit me after the performance.  It hit me during. 

I sat in my comfy chair, in a perfect air-controlled temperature room and saw a 12-year old crinkling his program paper and not paying any attention to Dukic magnificently playing classical guitar.  I thought if I was that boy...I'd be very appreciative for my parents bringing me to a music recital.

My parents never took me to a recital, when I was child.  Then again, there was never really any music recitals to attend in Southern Indiana. Nonetheless, I would've been appreciative if my parents took me.  Then again we don't think like this when we are 12-years old or so.

But parents my plea to you is take your children to music recitals! 

Even though your kido may be the one crinkling the program paper, tilting their head back and staring up at that ceiling...take them to a music recital.  

They'll thank you later!

Because you don't want your kido to turn out to be like me and say..."I'm 22-years old and I recently attended to my first music recital!" 

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