Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Meeting Your Music Heroes

We all have people that are musicians, songwriters, singers or a combination of the three that we look up to, admire, adore or idolize, whatever the case might be.  We all have music heroes.  And if you don't have a music hero...well, I think you're lying.  But seriously if you don't have a music hero, well I hope you get one.

There's nothing like having a borderline obsession with a band or artist and listening to every single song they ever wrote and recorded, knowing all the words to the songs, memorizing how to instrumentally play their songs, collecting all their albums, attending their concerts and owning like half the stuff in their merch store.

Borderline obsession or obsession?  Hmmm...well...we'll just say you gotta represent and show your love to the band or artist.  You just gotta do it!

Regardless of your level of obsession, the ultimate experience is meeting your music heroes and talking to them, face to face.  Some people don't ever get to meet their music heroes, but some do.  And they are the fortunate few.

Some people may say to never meet you heroes, because they'll only let you down.  You have built up in your head an image of what your heroes are like and when you meet them in person and they don't meet up to your expectations, you will only be disappointed and devastated.

Well, I say give it a try!  Meet your your music heroes!  It's an experience beyond compare.

I'm one of the fortunate few, were I recently met some of my music heroes at a concert of theirs here in Lexington, Kentucky.  And I'm no believer in fairy tales, but that night I saw their concert was a fairy tale.  And though this is cliche, I couldn't have wrote that night better myself!

 Watching them in concert was like nothing else.  Most people will say that music is just better live than a CD.  But no one understands.  I have followed this band for about five years, I've listened to every song of theirs, I know most of the words to all of their songs, I have heard them do interviews on the radio and I have seen Youtube videos of them doing live performances.  And watching them in their thing was incredible!

I probably looked like the biggest dork in the world with my smile from ear to ear while obnoxiously belting out the words to their songs, swaying back and forth and lifting my PBR can in the air.

At the end of their performance I went through their merch line.  And low and behold up ahead they were sitting at a long table signing autographs.  I went up to them and talked to each of them, mumbling and stumbling over my words, because I was in such a shock of meeting them.  I probably looked and sounded like a complete crazed person, but you know it happens.  And rightfully, so when you meet your music heroes. 

I asked them to sign my ticket stub and I then asked for a photo with them and they agreed.  The sweetest five-guy-band, I've ever met!  This moment did not just make my made my life!

My experience of meeting my music heroes was an amazing experience and I realize not everybody has such a wonderful encounter, but I still believe you should meet your music heroes if you can.  It's an experience like no other!

Also if your music heroes aren't the most friendly in the world, just remember...maybe they're having a bad or if they are just not friendly people ever, then you don't want them to look up to as your music heroes, anyways.

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