Saturday, January 14, 2012

Artist of the Week:  YAMANTAKA//SONIC TITAN

These independent artists describe themselves as a psychedelic noh-wave opera group fusing noise, metal, pop and folk music into a multidisciplinary hyper-orientalist cesspool of eastern culture in giant monochrome paper sets.  Yeah! :-)

Their story began in late 2007 when founding band members Alaska B and Ruby Kat Attwood united from the former band Lesbian Fight Club.  

Together Alaska B and Attwood wrote and performed the first mini 'Noh-Wave' Opera, as 'YAMANTAKA//SONIC TITAN I' in April 2008.  They continued to perform short operas as YT//ST, but eventually teamed up with Asian and Indigenous artists through collaboration and formed the current YT//ST Collective.

The Collective is described as a mutating and constantly evolving art cult that bring together individuals of Asian, Indigenous and Diasporic identity to perform and/or create as a collective.  

Their live shows are performances of recurring costumed characters that look like members from the band, "KISS".  They're cartoonishy characters descend from Manga, which are Japanese comics or cartoons.  

The band uses black-and-white face paint and makes the sets on their stage out of cardboard. (Hince the comparison to "KISS").

In 2011, YT//ST release their debut full-length Opera called, "STAR".  

Definitely check out these new emerging independent artists!!!

YT//ST Facebook


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