Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Last Song

What?!  Ehhh...?!  I didn't hear what you said.  Can you say it again?

I have caught myself repeating this a lot lately.  I think I am beginning to lose my hearing, thanks to my summer job.  I work in a hot, sweaty, loud ass plastics factory.  (Yeah, the job stinks, but the money is good. :) ) 

But any who...becoming a little bit hard of hearing, lately, has had me thinking.  What if later on in life I completely lose my hearing?  What if I go deaf?  What would I do...without music?  Well, honestly I would probably just die! 

I eventually put that awful 'what if' thought out of mind and decided if that did happen, I would deal with it when the time came.  But then another 'what if' thought came to mind.  

What if I was only allowed to listen to one more song?  I could only hear one more song and then that was it!  I could never listen to music again!  What would I listen to as my last song?

This seems like an impossible pick...But for me it was easy.  I mean at first I was like I don't have a clue and then it hit me.  My favorite band of all time...the Eli Young Band.  Of course!!!  

I could not carry on with my life, at least not in some semi-reasonable manner without listening to the Eli Young Band, one last time.  Duh!!!  But wait...what song of theirs would I choose?  

Would I choose an upbeat, timeless song like, Small Town Kid, or a slow song like Highways and Broken Hearts, or a song for the optimist, Mystery in the Making or would I make the last song I EVER hear be the first song I heard by the Eli  Young Band...When It Rains?  Ohh...the choices!  

Any way you look at's the Eli Young Band.  And that's definitely proper eternal ear-hole rest fashion!

~ Peace, Happiness and Music~

So, what would be y'all's last song?  Let me know what you would choose as the last song you would EVER hear in a comment below.  REMEMBER you can comment annonymously, now!!!

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