Saturday, October 22, 2011

Artist of the Week:  Ryan Adams

Do you know the real Ryan Adams?

I have been a fan of Adams for quite some time, but I didn't really know the whole story of who Adams truly is, until fairly recently.  I learned that Adams took a hiatus from music in 2009 when he was diagnosed with Ménière's disease, a chronic and painful inner-ear disorder that causes vertigo and progressive hearing loss.  

I probably never took noticed of Adam's absence, because he never really left.  Adams kept on, keeping on with releases of black metal and hard rock, and also giving select performances throughout 2009 and 2010.

Also to note, apparently, the disease caused Adams to hear strange tones and fall over things. He said in a recent interview, with a NPR music blogger, that he had to completely relearn music, because of the Ménière's.

Now that is insane!  Can you imagine relearning your craft?  

Adams has always been a  fabulous musician, songwriter and vocalist and to have to relearn music, then come out with the record like, Ashes & Fire, as he did on Ocotber 11, inconceivible.  

Ashes & Fire shows the softer and gentler side of Adams with all of the songs being written by him.  His essence of being soulful and honest while exposing his vulnerability, truly shines through with the lyrics on this record.

The music is smooth sounding Country and Alternative-Country, which is almost like a 360 compared to the past couple of years of what kind of music Adams has been releasing.  However Ashes & Fire is a Country type of album and that's what's expected from Adams.

But personally, I don't care if Adams is releasing a Country, Rock or Metal album, because I know whatever kind of music Adams is's going to be good.  Adams just has a knack  for making good music. 


"Ashes & Fire" 

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