Sunday, April 15, 2012

Artist of the Week:  Jazz Mills

GO LIKE JAZZ MILLS' FACEBOOK PAGE  ...and then you can come back to read the rest of this blogpost. :-)

All righty, so Jazz Mills is from Texas and you may know her from some of her other projects she is associated with:

Cowboy and Indian
Leopold and His Fiction (reoccurring special guest)
Gemini Dreams

The Indie Annas
The Early Girls (with Jessi James of Bethan)
The Cry Babies (with Angelina Lucero of Pretty Good Dance Moves)

 She is working on her first solo project and is doing a pledge music campaign to raise money for her EP she is wanting to release.  She has already exceeded her money goal, but you can still pledge and earn some pretty cool prizes, and also most importantly when you pledge you're ensuring your an advance copy in digital or physical form of her EP before its official release.  (Pretty damn cool!)

Also 10% of any money raised after the target of 100% is raised will go straight to Health Alliance for Austin Musicians or HAAM.  (BTW...a 100% has been raised, so when you pledge NOW, money will be going to HAAM.) :-)

HAAM is this awesome organization that provides medical assistance to working musicians in Austin, Texas.

There's more to Mills' story and I suggest you go like her Facebook page and find more out about her and her solo project, and also who her influences are and who she is dedicating her EP to.

~Peace, Happiness and Music~

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